We support and work with our creative, experiential, event, travel and hospitality business members and Friends, to inspire positive leadership and #CULTURE

Working with and supporting event industry businesses and creative organisations to support and develop workplace wellbeing best practice, proactive leadership, positive culture, and in-house team forums that encourage open conversations on wellbeing and mental health and the support available.

What is culture and why is it so important to mental health?

Culture is the character and personality of your organisation. It’s what makes your business unique and is the sum of its values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviors, and attitudes. Positive workplace culture attracts talent, drives engagement, impacts happiness and satisfaction, and affects performance.

Organisational culture also impacts on a person’s beliefs, norms and values. It impacts how you view certain ideas or behaviors. And in the case of mental health, it can impact whether or not you seek help, what type of help you seek and what support you have around you.

Once a strong positive organisational culture is built, it will gain a momentum of its own and will help to allow you to feel valued and express yourself freely. The excitement and energy this will cause will end up being a positive influence that affects every part of the organisation.