Having an EventWell® Buddy is crucial for ensuring accessibility and inclusion at events or conferences, and offers various benefits.

1. Orientation and guidance: EventWell® Buddies help attendees navigate the venue and event, providing information on the layout, facilities, and key areas like registration desks, quiet rooms, and restrooms.

2. Information and updates: They keep attendees informed about event changes, updates, schedules, session details, and last-minute announcements, ensuring attendees are well-informed and acting as a point of contact.

3. Support and assistance: EventWell® Buddies are a valuable resource for attendees, offering help, assistance, and support for any questions, concerns, or challenges they may face during the event.

4. Enhanced experience: By maximising attendees’ time and ensuring a positive and fulfilling experience, EventWell® Buddies play a key role in enhancing the overall event experience.

In summary, an EventWell® Buddy, fully trained in mental health, neurodiversity and disability awareness acts as a friendly and knowledgeable event companion, creating a welcoming and engaging experience for attendees with disabilities throughout the event or conference.

Prices start from £295


“Amazing Company to work with. It is so important for our attendees to have Eventwell at our events. Can’t recommend enough.”

Institute of Travel Management

“We recently worked with Eventwell for a Wellness Lounge/Resilience space at a 1,600 pax industry event in London. The team were so helpful, friendly and absolute professionals. The attendees loved the inclusion of wellness and with all the business focus on balance and diversity this was a fantastic addition to the event. A huge thank you to Helen, Francesca and the team, wholeheartedly recommend!”

Hilton London Metropole

“We had EventWell at our show in February for the first time and it was a fantastic addition to our visitor experience. The EventWell team went above and beyond to support and put visitors at ease. We can’t wait to have the Quiet Room with EventWell back at our next show!”

Media 10 Group

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