Quick tips on supporting your own wellbeing and that of your team

It’s likely that we’ll be working from home for an even longer period of time to keep us all safe during the coronavirus outbreak. It’s important we recognise how it may be affecting our mental health and, ensure we are taking care of ourselves and our colleagues. 

Maintain a positive work/life balance and encourage your team to do the same

It’s easy to work longer hours and take fewer breaks when working from home. It’s important you look after your own wellbeing so you can also be there to support your team.

Establish new ways of working

Working remotely will require consideration as to how you will deliver work as a team. Some of it might be trial and error so it is also good to think about how you will reflect on what’s working and what isn’t.

Ask your team to create Wellness Action Plans

This is an uncertain and worrying time for many and some of your team may need additional support. Why not encourage your team to complete a Mind Wellness Action Plan (WAP) and to share this with you?

Take advantage of technology

It’s a good idea to use a range of technologies so you’re not always typing or looking at a screen – switch things up with a telephone or video call so you can see someone and your team face to face, and they you.

Encourage your team to use the support tools available

Make sure your team knows about the wellbeing support you have on offer and how to access it. Ensure that details for your employer assistance programme (EAP) are shared and easily accessible.

Check in with team members regularly

Working from home can be isolating; ensure you and your team have regular check-ins virtually and schedule these in advance.

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